Dangerous Aadhaar Card Scams : Very Important Tips to Stay Safe

Beware of Aadhaar Card Scams: How to Protect Your Identity and Money

Aadhaar, India's unique identification system, is crucial for accessing various services and benefits. Unfortunately, it's also a target for scammers. Here’s how to recognize and avoid Aadhaar card scams to keep your identity and money safe.

Dangerous Aadhaar Card Scams

How Aadhaar Card Scams Are Happening

Scammers often target places like cyber cafes, photocopy centers, and hotels to steal Aadhaar numbers. Once they have your Aadhaar number, they might stalk you to find out your bank details. The final piece in this scam is your fingerprint. Scammers can obtain fingerprints from places like land registry offices or any service where fingerprints are used to authenticate transactions. They then reproduce these prints on silicon replicas to make unauthorized Aadhaar-enabled Payment System (AePS) withdrawals.

Common Aadhaar Card Scams

1. Fake Update Requests

Scammers may contact you via phone, email, or SMS, claiming your Aadhaar needs an urgent update. They might ask for personal information or direct you to a fake website to enter your details. Remember, the UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) never asks for personal information through these channels.

2. Phishing Websites

Fraudsters create websites that look like official UIDAI sites. These phishing sites trick you into entering your Aadhaar number and other sensitive information. Always verify the URL before entering any details and use the official UIDAI website (uidai.gov.in) for updates or services.

3. Unauthorized Biometric Scans

Some scammers set up unauthorized Aadhaar enrollment or update centers to capture your biometric data. Always visit authorized centers, which you can locate through the official UIDAI website.

 How to Protect Yourself

1. Verify Requests

If you receive a request to update your Aadhaar information, verify it through the official UIDAI channels. Don’t share personal information over unsolicited calls, messages, or emails.

2. Check URLs

Before entering your Aadhaar details online, ensure you’re on the official UIDAI website. Look for “https://” in the URL and avoid sites that look suspicious or have unusual domain names.

 3. Use Masked Aadhaar

When sharing your Aadhaar for non-government purposes, use the masked Aadhaar option, which hides the first eight digits of your Aadhaar number. This adds an extra layer of security to your identity.

4. Lock Your Biometric Details

To protect yourself from scams, you can lock your biometric details. The Aadhaar-issuing authority, UIDAI, has a ‘biometric lock’ feature that provides an additional layer of protection against unauthorized access. Here’s how to lock your Aadhaar biometric details:

1. Go to the UIDAI site or mAadhaar mobile app.
2. Click on your profile.
3. Tap on the menu button.
4. Click on the Biometric Settings.
5. Tick the ‘Enable Biometric Lock’ option.
6. Tap “OK”.
7. You will receive an OTP on your registered mobile number.
8. Enter the OTP, and your biometric details will be immediately locked.

A user can unlock their biometrics for specific transactions and then lock them again. When residents enable the biometric locking system, their biometrics remain locked until the Aadhaar holder chooses to either unlock them temporarily or disable the locking system.

5. Regularly Monitor Your Aadhaar Activity

You can check your Aadhaar authentication history on the UIDAI website. Regularly monitoring this can help you spot any unauthorized use of your Aadhaar information.

Report Suspicious Activity

If you suspect any fraudulent activity related to your Aadhaar, report it immediately to the UIDAI. They have a dedicated helpline and email address to assist with such issues.

Stay Informed, Stay Safe

Aadhaar is an essential part of our lives, and protecting it is crucial. By being aware of common scams and taking proactive steps, you can safeguard your identity and money. Always stay informed and cautious to keep your personal information secure.

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